There is exactly a week till the 2011 7DRL contest
will begin. I as of right now plan to at least try my hand
at it. I have been fooling around with making a roguleike
for a couple days now and this just happens to concide
with about when I think I will be ready to really get down
to it.
Find out more about it a RogueBasin
A rambling train of thought that vaguely deals with Roguelikes, D&D, and Programming
Saturday, February 26, 2011
7DRL Contest for 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Apperently I lied about the weekly updates
I was otherwise occupied the last few weeks with my
collage and playing a game of Mafia over at Bay12 Forum.
Now I will chant something about regular updates at you.
In other news a new Dwarf Fortress release came out
and I found a good program for doing pixel art that is called
GraphicsGale. The free version works quite fine for my needs.
collage and playing a game of Mafia over at Bay12 Forum.
Now I will chant something about regular updates at you.
In other news a new Dwarf Fortress release came out
and I found a good program for doing pixel art that is called
GraphicsGale. The free version works quite fine for my needs.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Simple Genetic Algorithm to create Equation equaling a target number
/*By Akhier Dragonheart 2-4-2011*/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Genetic1_01console
class Program
const Int32 Mutation_Rate = 100; /*the higher the number the less likely it is*/
static Int32 sm = 1, ssm; /*stores the number for the smallest(sm) fitness score and second smallest(ssm) fitness score*/
static Int32[] fit = new Int32[20]; /*fitness of each equation*/
static Int32 a, b, d; static String c, f = ""; /*free use variables for all your for and while loop needs or if you just want to store a number for a bit*/
static Int32[,] num = new Int32[20, 36]; /*stores the zeros and ones*/
static Int32[,] numstore = new Int32[2, 36]; /*Stores num smallest and second smallest*/
static String[, ,] chst = new String[20, 9, 2]; /*stores symbols and whether operator or number*/
static String[] equ = new String[20]; static String[,] cequ = new String[20, 10]; /*stores equations*/
static Char[] CT = { '+', '-', '*', '/' }; /*To trim operators off the end of equation string equ[]*/
static Int32 target; /*the target number*/
static String[] numstr = new String[20];
static Random rng = new Random(); /*used to get a random number form a min to a max+1 -,max+1)*/
static void ss(int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2, int c1, int c2) /*Finds smallest and second smallest number out of 3*/
if ((a1 < b1) && (a1 < c1))
sm = a2;
if (b1 < c1)
ssm = b2;
ssm = c2;
else if ((b1 < a1) && (b1 < c1))
sm = b2;
if (a1 < c1)
ssm = a2;
ssm = c2;
else if ((c1 < a1) && (c1 < b1))
sm = c2;
if (a1 < b1)
ssm = a2;
ssm = b2;
if (a1 == b1)
if (a1 < c1)
sm = a2;
ssm = b2;
sm = c2;
ssm = a2;
else if (a1 == c1)
if (a1 < b1)
sm = a2;
ssm = c2;
sm = b2;
ssm = a2;
if (b1 < a1)
sm = b2;
ssm = c2;
sm = a2;
ssm = b2;
static void find_and_store_small() /*Finds and then stores the 2 smallest fitness num[,]*/
ss(fit[0], 0, fit[1], 1, fit[2], 2);
for (a = 3; a < 20; a++)
ss(fit[sm], sm, fit[ssm], ssm, fit[a], a);
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) { numstore[0, a] = num[sm, a]; numstore[1, a] = num[ssm, a]; }
static void trans(string input, int output1, int output2) /*Translates the binary to characters*/
switch (input)
case "0000":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "0";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0001":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "1";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0010":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "2";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0011":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "3";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0100":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "4";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0101":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "5";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0110":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "6";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0111":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "7";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1000":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "8";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1001":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "9";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1010":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "+";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1011":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "-";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1100":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "*";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1101":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "/";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "x";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "x";
static int mab(int input1, int input2) /*Used in calcequ to do the actual math*/
switch (cequ[a, input2 - 1])
case "+":
return Math.Abs(input1 + Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "-":
return Math.Abs(input1 - Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "*":
return Math.Abs(input1 * Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "/":
if ((input1 != 0) && (Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]) != 0)) /*Prevents deviding by zero*/
return Math.Abs(input1 / Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
return 0;
default: /*If it gets here something is really wrong so make it extra unfit*/
return 1000;
static void calcequ() /*Takes the chst and makes real equations then calculates fitness*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
equ[a] = ""; b = 0; c = "x"; d = 0;
while (b < 9) /*This and the other b<9 checks inside this make sure you do not excede the chst array bounds*/
while ((c != "n") && (b < 9)) { c = chst[a, b, 1]; b++; }
if (b < 9) { equ[a] += "" + chst[a, b - 1, 0]; cequ[a, d] = chst[a, b - 1, 0]; d++; }
while ((c != "o") && (b < 9)) { c = chst[a, b, 1]; b++; }
if (b < 9) { equ[a] += "" + chst[a, b - 1, 0]; cequ[a, d] = chst[a, b - 1, 0]; d++; }
if (((d % 2) == 0) && (d != 0)) { d -= 1; }
cequ[a, d] = "x";
equ[a] = equ[a].TrimEnd(CT); /*Trim operators of end of string*/
if (cequ[a, 1] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0])) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 3] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 5] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 7] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4), 6)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 9] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4), 6), 8)) - 1; }
else { fit[a] = 1000; } /*A problem has happened if it gets here so make it extra unfit*/
static void Main_Calc() /*Where all the first calculations happen and lst is updated*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) { Console.WriteLine(numstr[a]); Console.WriteLine(equ[a] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[a].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[a]); }
Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("");
Console.WriteLine("Fittest"); Console.WriteLine(numstr[sm]);
Console.WriteLine(equ[sm] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[sm].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[sm]);
Console.WriteLine("Secon Fittest"); Console.WriteLine(numstr[ssm]);
Console.WriteLine(equ[ssm] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[sm].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[ssm]);
if (fit[sm] == 0) { Console.WriteLine("You have reached the goal of matching the target!"); }
static void ReCalc() /*Where new numbers are put together and the next generation is formed*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
numstr[a] = "";
d = rng.Next(0, 36);
for (b = 0; b < 36; b++)
if (b < d) { num[a, b] = numstore[0, b]; } else { num[a, b] = numstore[1, b]; } /*When b is less then random number d it uses num[20,b] otherwise it will use num[21,b]*/
if (rng.Next(0, Mutation_Rate) == 0) { if (num[a, b] == 0) { num[a, b] = 1; } else { num[a, b] = 1; } } /*This flips a bit and mutates the code with a 1 in a hundred chance*/
numstr[a] += num[a, b];
for (b = 0; b < 9; b++) { trans("" + num[a, 0 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 1 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 2 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 3 + (b * 4)], a, b); } /*Fills chst from num*/
static void Main(string[] args)
Int64 Gen = 1; /*the generation*/
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
target = rng.Next(0, 101); /*sets the target number*/
Console.WriteLine("The target is : " + target + " Generation:" + Convert.ToString(Gen)); /*makes label show target number*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
numstr[a] = "";
for (b = 0; b < 36; b++) { num[a, b] = Convert.ToInt32(rng.Next(0, 2)); numstr[a] += num[a, b]; } /*Fills num completely by random and fills numstr with num*/
for (b = 0; b < 9; b++) { trans("" + num[a, 0 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 1 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 2 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 3 + (b * 4)], a, b); } /*Fills chst from num*/
cki = Console.ReadKey();
Console.WriteLine("The target is : " + target + " Generation:" + Convert.ToString(Gen));
} while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Genetic1_01console
class Program
const Int32 Mutation_Rate = 100; /*the higher the number the less likely it is*/
static Int32 sm = 1, ssm; /*stores the number for the smallest(sm) fitness score and second smallest(ssm) fitness score*/
static Int32[] fit = new Int32[20]; /*fitness of each equation*/
static Int32 a, b, d; static String c, f = ""; /*free use variables for all your for and while loop needs or if you just want to store a number for a bit*/
static Int32[,] num = new Int32[20, 36]; /*stores the zeros and ones*/
static Int32[,] numstore = new Int32[2, 36]; /*Stores num smallest and second smallest*/
static String[, ,] chst = new String[20, 9, 2]; /*stores symbols and whether operator or number*/
static String[] equ = new String[20]; static String[,] cequ = new String[20, 10]; /*stores equations*/
static Char[] CT = { '+', '-', '*', '/' }; /*To trim operators off the end of equation string equ[]*/
static Int32 target; /*the target number*/
static String[] numstr = new String[20];
static Random rng = new Random(); /*used to get a random number form a min to a max+1 -,max+1)*/
static void ss(int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2, int c1, int c2) /*Finds smallest and second smallest number out of 3*/
if ((a1 < b1) && (a1 < c1))
sm = a2;
if (b1 < c1)
ssm = b2;
ssm = c2;
else if ((b1 < a1) && (b1 < c1))
sm = b2;
if (a1 < c1)
ssm = a2;
ssm = c2;
else if ((c1 < a1) && (c1 < b1))
sm = c2;
if (a1 < b1)
ssm = a2;
ssm = b2;
if (a1 == b1)
if (a1 < c1)
sm = a2;
ssm = b2;
sm = c2;
ssm = a2;
else if (a1 == c1)
if (a1 < b1)
sm = a2;
ssm = c2;
sm = b2;
ssm = a2;
if (b1 < a1)
sm = b2;
ssm = c2;
sm = a2;
ssm = b2;
static void find_and_store_small() /*Finds and then stores the 2 smallest fitness num[,]*/
ss(fit[0], 0, fit[1], 1, fit[2], 2);
for (a = 3; a < 20; a++)
ss(fit[sm], sm, fit[ssm], ssm, fit[a], a);
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) { numstore[0, a] = num[sm, a]; numstore[1, a] = num[ssm, a]; }
static void trans(string input, int output1, int output2) /*Translates the binary to characters*/
switch (input)
case "0000":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "0";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0001":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "1";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0010":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "2";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0011":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "3";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0100":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "4";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0101":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "5";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0110":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "6";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "0111":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "7";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1000":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "8";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1001":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "9";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "n";
case "1010":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "+";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1011":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "-";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1100":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "*";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
case "1101":
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "/";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "o";
chst[output1, output2, 0] = "x";
chst[output1, output2, 1] = "x";
static int mab(int input1, int input2) /*Used in calcequ to do the actual math*/
switch (cequ[a, input2 - 1])
case "+":
return Math.Abs(input1 + Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "-":
return Math.Abs(input1 - Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "*":
return Math.Abs(input1 * Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
case "/":
if ((input1 != 0) && (Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]) != 0)) /*Prevents deviding by zero*/
return Math.Abs(input1 / Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, input2]));
return 0;
default: /*If it gets here something is really wrong so make it extra unfit*/
return 1000;
static void calcequ() /*Takes the chst and makes real equations then calculates fitness*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
equ[a] = ""; b = 0; c = "x"; d = 0;
while (b < 9) /*This and the other b<9 checks inside this make sure you do not excede the chst array bounds*/
while ((c != "n") && (b < 9)) { c = chst[a, b, 1]; b++; }
if (b < 9) { equ[a] += "" + chst[a, b - 1, 0]; cequ[a, d] = chst[a, b - 1, 0]; d++; }
while ((c != "o") && (b < 9)) { c = chst[a, b, 1]; b++; }
if (b < 9) { equ[a] += "" + chst[a, b - 1, 0]; cequ[a, d] = chst[a, b - 1, 0]; d++; }
if (((d % 2) == 0) && (d != 0)) { d -= 1; }
cequ[a, d] = "x";
equ[a] = equ[a].TrimEnd(CT); /*Trim operators of end of string*/
if (cequ[a, 1] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0])) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 3] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 5] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 7] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4), 6)) - 1; }
else if (cequ[a, 9] == "x") { fit[a] = Math.Abs(target - mab(mab(mab(mab(Convert.ToInt32(cequ[a, 0]), 2), 4), 6), 8)) - 1; }
else { fit[a] = 1000; } /*A problem has happened if it gets here so make it extra unfit*/
static void Main_Calc() /*Where all the first calculations happen and lst is updated*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) { Console.WriteLine(numstr[a]); Console.WriteLine(equ[a] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[a].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[a]); }
Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("");
Console.WriteLine("Fittest"); Console.WriteLine(numstr[sm]);
Console.WriteLine(equ[sm] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[sm].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[sm]);
Console.WriteLine("Secon Fittest"); Console.WriteLine(numstr[ssm]);
Console.WriteLine(equ[ssm] + f.PadRight(10 - equ[sm].Length) + "Fitness: " + fit[ssm]);
if (fit[sm] == 0) { Console.WriteLine("You have reached the goal of matching the target!"); }
static void ReCalc() /*Where new numbers are put together and the next generation is formed*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
numstr[a] = "";
d = rng.Next(0, 36);
for (b = 0; b < 36; b++)
if (b < d) { num[a, b] = numstore[0, b]; } else { num[a, b] = numstore[1, b]; } /*When b is less then random number d it uses num[20,b] otherwise it will use num[21,b]*/
if (rng.Next(0, Mutation_Rate) == 0) { if (num[a, b] == 0) { num[a, b] = 1; } else { num[a, b] = 1; } } /*This flips a bit and mutates the code with a 1 in a hundred chance*/
numstr[a] += num[a, b];
for (b = 0; b < 9; b++) { trans("" + num[a, 0 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 1 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 2 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 3 + (b * 4)], a, b); } /*Fills chst from num*/
static void Main(string[] args)
Int64 Gen = 1; /*the generation*/
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
target = rng.Next(0, 101); /*sets the target number*/
Console.WriteLine("The target is : " + target + " Generation:" + Convert.ToString(Gen)); /*makes label show target number*/
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++)
numstr[a] = "";
for (b = 0; b < 36; b++) { num[a, b] = Convert.ToInt32(rng.Next(0, 2)); numstr[a] += num[a, b]; } /*Fills num completely by random and fills numstr with num*/
for (b = 0; b < 9; b++) { trans("" + num[a, 0 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 1 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 2 + (b * 4)] + num[a, 3 + (b * 4)], a, b); } /*Fills chst from num*/
cki = Console.ReadKey();
Console.WriteLine("The target is : " + target + " Generation:" + Convert.ToString(Gen));
} while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
Hope and a good Website
I now have regular access to a computer with internet
so hopefully new posts will happen at least once a week.
In other news I found a good site about AI, specifically
I liked the tutorial on Genetic Algorithms. It was straight
forward and explained it quite well for me. Later today I
may post my attempt at the example that I did in C#. The
tutorial itself has it in C++, Delphi, and Java.
so hopefully new posts will happen at least once a week.
In other news I found a good site about AI, specifically
I liked the tutorial on Genetic Algorithms. It was straight
forward and explained it quite well for me. Later today I
may post my attempt at the example that I did in C#. The
tutorial itself has it in C++, Delphi, and Java.
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